Statement of Purpose

Health and Social Care Act 2008

Version: 1-2016
Date of next review: August 2019

Service Provider

Name: Westfield Road Surgery
Address line 1: 11 Westfield Road
Town/city: Bletchley
Postcode: MK2 2DJ
Main telephone: 01908 377103

ID Numbers

Registered managers ID: GMC 6033878

Aims and Objectives

  • To continually strive to provide patient centred care
  • To provide the best possible quality service for our patients within a confidential and safe environment through effective collaboration and teamwork
  • To involve our patients in decisions
  • To show our patients courtesy and respect at all times irrespective of ethnic origin, religious belief, personal attributes or the nature of the health problem
  • To involve and collaborate in multidisciplinary team work including nursing and other allied healthcare professionals in the care of our patients
  • To promote good health and well being to our patients through education and information; also utilising electronic processes wherever possible to make care and information more accessible
  • To encourage our patients to get involved in the practice through an annual survey and encouragement to comment on the care they receive
  • To provide safe, effective health primary care services in a responsive way; meeting the needs of our patients
  • To support continuity of care –wherever possible through personal continuity; but also through medical record continuity enabled by high quality medical records; and following guidelines based on best evidence, national, and local policy
  • To be an active and responsible member in our local health community ensuring our practice and services to our patients are commissioned and provided in a way most likely to meet their needs
  • To ensure the practice is compliant with relevant legislation and policy relevant to maintaining trust and confidentiality, as well as to ensure we practice high quality medicine
  • To create an educational environment, where staff promote and share learning amongst themselves
  • To ensure that all members of the team have the right skills and training to carry out their duties competently

Legal status – Partnership

List of all partners

  • Dr Vann Canthaboo MRCGP PGDip Diabetes (Male)
  • Dr Antoinette Canthaboo MRCGP DRCOG DFSRH (Female)

Other GPs

  • Dr Sunil Kurakula MBBS MRCGP MRCP DIPMSK (Male)
  • Dr Elsa Yousfani MRCGP MBBS (Female)
  • Dr Vivek Khandeparkar MBBCh BAO MRCGP (Male)

List of Regulated Activities

  • Diagnostic and screening procedures
  • Maternity and midwifery services
  • Joint and soft tissue injections and minor surgery
  • Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
  • Family planning

Brief description of location

The building is single storey with car parking facilities and an automatic door at the main entrance with no steps.  We have allocated disable parking and cycle parking facilities.

There are 2 dedicated treatment rooms and 5 consulting rooms. There are 4 toilets, one with baby changing and disabled facility.